Thursday 21 July 2011

LA13 Poster design using type

For this design I used Lithos Pro for the majority of the text because i felt that it gives the impression of an old style of text. I used Bodoni for the footer so that it didn't feel tied into the message. For the word future I used OCR A Std, I thought it gave the look of a futuristic text, I kept it in all capitals to give a sense of unity.

LA13 Poster design using type

With this design I used Eras Light ITC for the majority of the text, Castellar for the word gold, i thought it made it more prominent and almost golden. The brackets around the text are in Arial and i thought this gave it more unity but also caging in the word. Looking at it now I think there is a bit of tension between the comma after gold and the speech marks. But i'm pretty happy with it.

LA13 Poster design using type

For this type layout I used Bodoni all the way through. I didn't really know what to do with this one, so i made the shadow bigger than the rest and sat the other text on top. I gave the word shadow a shadow to add emphasis to it again. I'm not really sure with this one, but I couldn't think of anything else to do with it.

LA13 Poster design using type

For this type layout I used Impact for what I thought the main parts of the message, and then Bodoni for the rest of the quote. I decided to arrange the text so that it would all align into what looks like a rectangular shape. I left imagination and knowledge on their own line as they are the two most important words. I am pretty happy with this effort, I feel it looks interesting and not that hard to read.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

LA10 Typeface Panel

I didnt really know what to do with this one, so i just had a bit of a play.

LA9 Sketching Layouts

 This is my business card layout.


This is my website layout, im the happiest with this one out of the three.

LA8 Grids

I think these are two good examples of setting out the design with a grid system in mind.